


The FreeStyle Libre 2® intermittently scanned glucose monitoring system (ISCGM, commonly referred to as flash) is a device for the self-monitoring of glucose levels.

The FreeStyle Libre 2® intermittently scanned glucose monitoring system (isCGM, commonly referred to as flash) is a device for the self-monitoring of glucose levels. Unlike traditional finger-prick devices (that measure the glucose level in the blood), FreeStyle Libre 2® measures the glucose level in the interstitial fluid, via a sensor that sits just under the skin. It updates readings every minute and stores data every 15 minutes. FreeStyle Libre 2® is licensed for adults and children above the age of 4


The patient swipes the reader or a smartphone with the FreeStyle LibreLink App over the sensor to get a glucose reading. It can provide a near-continuous record.

With a scan over the sensor, patients can see their current glucose reading, their 8-hour glucose history and a trend arrow showing the direction and rate of change of their glucose levels. Patients can scan as often as they want, even through clothing.

The FreeStyle Libre 2® sensor is applied to the back of the upper arm with a disposable applicator. When the sensor is applied, a 5mm sterile filament is inserted just under the skin, and held in place with a small adhesive pad. The sensor lasts for up to 14 days. There is an app patients can use with their smartphone to take readings, FreeStyle libreLink App, or use a reader


Side Effects

The following are possible adverse effects of inserting a sensor and wearing the adhesive patch: local erythema (redness), local infection, inflammation, pain or discomfort, bleeding at the glucose sensor insertion site, bruising, itching, scarring or skin discoloration, hematoma, and adhesive irritation.


As Libre® measures interstitial glucose, it is not a complete substitute for blood glucose testing. Blood glucose measurements are required in certain circumstances, including:

o when advised by your diabetes team
o to meet Driving and Vehicle Licensing Authority requirements,
o when the FreeStyle Libre 2® reader results do not correspond with the user’s symptoms e.g. patient feels hypoglycaemic but the FreeStyle Libre 2 reader is showing a higher glucose reading


Patients will continue to require prescriptions for blood glucose testing strips on prescription for the situations highlighted above; the expected amount
will be detailed on the initiation documentation. Please note that if FreeStyle Libre 2® has been prescribed for users of high numbers of test strips, it is
expected that number will fall over the first few months.



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